Tuesday, October 11, 2011


We're so excited to launch Well Registered - the newest resource for wedding registry inspiration and advice.  Both the website and this blog have the same goal in mind: to make it easy for you to plan your wedding registry and home. 
WellRegistered.com is full of materials to help you with your wedding registry.  Here's what we offer: 
  • Wedding Registry Inspiration Boards - The inspiration boards are designed around in-stock products that are from a single leading registry store.  They are designed to help you find what style you want for your home, what stores are right for your registry, and some products that you will love.  We'll update the blog with recently added boards and information about new stores we plan on featuring. 

  • Wedding Registry Tips + Advice - The Tips + Advice section offers answers to common questions about wedding registries and other general advice.  We'll update the blog with the newest articles and also answer reader-submitted questions. 
  • Wedding Registry Checklist - We also offer a very detailed checklist for your wedding registry.  We plan to add more specific checklists depending on different needs, so follow the blog to see when those are added. 

The blog will serve as a way for you to know the newest resources added to the website.  We also plan to use the blog to add information completely separate from WellRegistered.com.  This is our plan for the blog so far: 
  • Featured Products -  Each week we'll pick some of our favorite products and feature several different room inspirations designed around them.  
  • Registry Stories - We hope to interview married couples to get information about their favorite registry items, mistakes they may have made, and any advice they may have for you.
  • Thank You's - Your honest gratitude for the wedding gifts you receive is one of the most important aspects of being well registered.  We are going to feature our favorite stationary for saying "thank you," advice about writing the cards, and more. 

Let us know if there is anything you would like to see on the blog!